Amali North East

About Amali

The word Amali has Arabic, Swahili, and Sanskrit origins: it is an agender name meaning Hope or Aspiration.

Our group started out after a dinner conversation with three LGBTQ+ people passionate about connecting communities. Two were from South Asian communities, the other was a professional with frontline and research experience.

The group has grown from the ground up. After drawing up our Safeguarding Policy, our first event was with Hart Gables in Stockton in February 2024, followed by a second event with Rainbow Home in Newcastle in June.

We are arranging our third community event. Having developed close relationships with our community partners and generated lots of interest, we are continuing this wider consultation.

Please visit the events page for details of past and upcoming events. We are also looking for volunteers to help out - please contact us if you would like to get involved.