Amali North East


We are planning our third event, and here are some photos from the first two:

Our first event was at Hart Gables on Feb 21 2024, with 36 attendees.

Here are some photos from the discussions on: Where we find joy and support, and the importance of faith for many LGBTQ+ people of colour.

The last image is map showing some of the countries where LGBTQ+ activism is building, despite anti-LGBT legislation (click thumbnails for larger version).

Our second event was hosted by Rainbow Home on June 28 2024, with 24 people, 19 were LGBTQ+ attendees from the asylum community.

We built on our first meeting, digging more deeply into where we find joy as LGBTQ+ people. We then used this as springboard for exploring what people might like from Amali, giving us some great ideas for future activities.

Thank you to our fantastic partner organisations for supporting our work.